Annual Sales Conference 2014 of UniMed UniHealth

Annual Sales Conference 2014 of UniMed UniHealth

Annual Sales Conference 2014 of UniMed UniHealth was held from 1 March 2015 at Dhaka. All Medical Promotion Officers and Managers of UniMed UniHealth were present at this conference. Mr. Nazmul Hossain, Executive Director of UniMed UniHealth highlighted the sales of UniMed Pharma & the activity of the year 2014 and presented the sales strategies for 2015. Mr. M Mosaddek Hossain, Managing Director of UniMed UniHealth welcomed the participants and highlighted the overall plan of the company for the next year.

Focused on individual therapeutic group with different strategic marketing and sales team the conference was divided into four days:

Conference Day Date & Day Strategic Team
Day-1 28 December 2014, Sunday UniHealth Specialty, UniDerma, Bioderma
Day-2 29 December 2014, Monday UniHealth Pharma Therapeutic
Day-3 30 December 2014, Tuesday UniHealth Pharma RespiratoryENT
Day-4 31 December 2014, Wednesday UniMed Pharma




Day-1 (28 December 2014, Sunday): UniHealth Speciality, UniDerma and Bioderma

Mosaddek Hossain, Managing Director and Nazmul Hossain, Executive Director with team members.




Day-2 (29 December 2014, Monday)- UniHealth Pharma Therapeutics

(From Left) Rakib Hossain Bhuyan, General Manager, Marketing, M. Mosaddek Hossain, Managing Director, Nazmul Hossain, Executive Director



Day-3 (30 December 2014, Tuesday) : UniHealth Pharma, Respiratory ENT

(From Left) Md. Mia Mohammad Eskandar, General Manager, Sales, M. Mosaddek Hossain, Managing Director, Nazmul Hossain, Executive Director, and  Mr. Suvas Singh Roy

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