The Scientific Seminar on “Basic Principle of Ilizarov Technique”

The Scientific Seminar on “Basic Principle of Ilizarov Technique”

A scientific seminar on “Basic Principle of Ilizarov Technique” was held on 27th May, Saturday, at Conference Hall, Orthopaedic Dept., BSMMU. The seminar was jointly organized by Orthopaedic Dept., BSMMU & UniHealth Pharma.

120 doctors were present in the seminar. The president of the seminar was Prof. Dr. N K Datta, Head of Orthopaedics, BSMMU. Keynote speaker was Dr. Jahidul Islam, MS -Student.

Product presentation was given by Mr. Kazi Abu Zafor Emran, Senior Product Officer, UniHealth Pharma. He highlighted the role of Utramal Retard, Salost and Napsod.

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