The 20th Diabetes & Endocrine Conference was held from 18 – 20 December 2014 at Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Dhaka, organized by the Bangladesh Endocrine Society and the Diabetic Association of Bangladesh.
UniMed Pharma Symposium on Current Perspectives on Diabetes Management in Patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases was held on 20th December 2014 in that conference. The symposium was chaired by Prof. Md. Habibur Rahman, BSMMU.
The scientific paper on “Endocrine Management in Diabetic Patients with CKD” was presented by Dr. Sultana Marufa Shefin, BIRDEM and the scientific paper on “Renal Management in Diabetic Patients with CKD” was presented by Prof. M Muhibur Rahman, NIKDU. Renowned endocrinologists: Prof Faruque Pathan, BIRDEM, Prof. Abdul Mannan, AKMMCH, Prof. Laique Ahmed Khan, RpMCH, Dr. SM Ashrafuzzaman, BIRDEM, Dr. Hafizur Rahman, DMCH and other diabetologists of different diabetic hospitals from all over the country were present in the symposium and shared their experience. Mr. M Mosaddek Hossain, Managing Director, UniMed UniHealth was also present in that symposium and welcomed the participants.