A Workshop on ECG: Basics & Beyond was held on 16th December, 2017, Saturday at Samson H. Chowdhury Centre, Dhaka Club. Dr. Rafique Ahmed, Cardiac Electrophysiologist, Baltimore, Maryland, USA and Dr. Anil Saxena, Director, Cardiac Pacing & Electrophysiology, Fortis Escorts, Indiawere present asKeynote Speakers. Besides them, other renowned Cardiologists who are expert on ECG have given their distinguished speeches.

Prof. Abdul Wadud Chowdhury, Head of Cardiology of DMC and Prof. M Atahar Ali, NICVD were the key initiators to do such a wonderful learning workshop event on ECG in the history of Bangladesh. Opening speeches were given by Prof. AKM Mohibullah, President, Bangladesh Cardiac Society and Mr. M Mosaddek Hossain, Managing Director of UniMedUniHealth Pharmaceuticals.

This workshop was designed to inject very basics & pitfalls on ECG interpretation and practical experiences for newly graduated and MD students who are having high curiosity in developing their career in the field of Electrophysiology and Cardiology. More than 450 physicians and dignitaries from different field of medical sciences graced the occasion.

This successful workshop was sponsored by UniMed Pharma in collaboration with ECG Study Group. Mr. Zainul Abedin, Marketing Manager, UniMed Pharma played the leading role to organize the overall event while Mr. Akramul Kabir, Group Product Manager placed his efforts to make it as a success.


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